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Père-Lachaise - Division 10 - Gareau 06.jpg

This Wikimedian has passed away. Their user page is preserved here in their memory.

Ronhjones contributed over 108000 edits since 2009, and he was an administrator at Wikimedia Commons since 2013. Furthermore, he was a member of the Wikimedia OTRS Team.

Civil Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg

Useful links View-refresh.svg

Useful links Maintenance links Old Links
Wikimedia logo family complete-current.svgThis user has created a global account and the main one is on Wikipedia (en).
Mozilla FirefoxThis user contributes using
Mozilla Firefox.
Noia 64 apps karm.svgThis user has been on Wikimedia Commons for
14 years, 3 months and 19 days
Noia 64 apps karm.png This user has been an admin for
9 years, 6 months, and 9 days.
100,000+This user has made over 100,000 contributions to Commons.
Flag of England.svg This user is English.
Male.svgThis user is male.
Heterosexual symbol (bold, red blue).svgThis user is heterosexual.
UK Outline and Flag.svgThis user comes from the United Kingdom.
Arobaze.svgThis user can be reached by email.
Site Statistics
Files : 86,457,371
Page total : 114,466,115
User total : 11,258,812
Active users : 36,690
Administrator : 199
Avg. files/admin : 434,459
Avg. users/admin : 184
Admin statistics
Action Count
Edits 68440
Edits+Deleted 110951
Pages deleted 39659
Revisions deleted 301
Logs/Events deleted 3
Pages restored 609
Pages protected 75
Pages imported 409
Protections modified 3
Users blocked 776
Users reblocked 7
Users unblocked 25
User rights modified 2
Users created 1
Twemoji 1f510.svgThis user account is secured with a unique committed Identity.
Committed identity: 9532d8f81818e7933b2eee120b45e48e9126fb5a76dda61c05d803de1643cb4668a9e1f07aebf1012bc34e463bac6cf28bd90309d1a4e0846314c03a9b6a61f2 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.