User:Huhu Uet

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Heute ist der 23.07.2022 und auf Wikimedia Commons gibt es zur Zeit 86,459,356 Bilder von 11,258,896 Benutzern
D-A-CH Flag.svg Hallo! English language.png Hello! Flag of La Francophonie.svg Salut! Flag of France.svg Italian language.png Ciao!
Hispanic Flag.png ¡Hola! Flag of Spain.svg Flag of Esperanto.svg Saluton! Flag of Catalonia.svg Hola! Flag of Sicily.svg Ciau!
Lang-zhs.png 你好!
nǐ hǎo
Flag of Fiji.svg Bula! Flag of Finland.svg Terve! Flag of Greece.svg Γειά!
Flag of Israel.svg !שלום
Flag of India.svg नमस्ते
Flag of Japan.svg こんにちは!
kónnichi wá
Flag of South Korea (bordered).svg 안영하세요!
Anyeong Haseyo
Flag of Norway.svg Hei! Flag of Poland.svg Cześć! Flags of Brazil and Portugal.svg Olá / Oi! Flag of Russia.svg Привет!
Flag of Sweden.svg Hej! Flag of Thailand.svg สวัสดีคะ!
sa wat dee khrap
Flag of Turkey.svg Merhaba! Lang-ar.gif !مرحبا'مرحبًا
Wikipediafestivalsommer2013 logoentwurf.png

Kameras Anmerkung Foto
Nikon D50
AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm/3,5-5,6G ED
Nikon D50 Wikipedia.jpg
Nikon D3100
AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm 1-2,8G ED VR II
Nikon D3100 & AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm 1-2,8G ED VR II 01.jpg
Nikon D7100
AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm 1-2,8G ED VR II
Nikon D7100 & AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm 1-2,8G ED VR II 02.jpg
Nikon D750 Nikon D750 01.jpg
Objektive Anmerkung Foto
AF Nikkor 80-200mm f-2.8D ED
Telezoom für alle Fälle
AI AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f-2.8D ED (1992 - 1997) 01.jpg
AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm/3,5-5,6G ED AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm f 3.5-5.6G VR.jpg
AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105mm/3,5-5,6 IF-ED VR
AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR 30-07-2012 (2).jpg
AF-S DX Nikkor 55-200mm/4-5,6G ED Nikkor AF-S VR DX 18-200mm f3.5-5.6.jpg
Sigma 70-300mm/4-5,6 DG APO Sigma70-300 APO DG Macro.jpg
Sigma 150-600mm/5-6,3 DG OS HSM Contemporary Sigma 150-600mm f5-f6.3 DG OS HSM C lens 4 - Diliff.jpg

  • Hello, I am an editor of the German Wikipedia. I am sorry, I can't speak a different language. To contact me, see my userpage (de)[1]
  • Alle meine Bilder in der deutschen Wikipedia befinden sich hier.
Europe satellite bright.jpg
This user comes from Europe.
Noia 64 apps karm.svgThis user has been on Wikimedia Commons for
14 years and 17 days
Commons File mover.svgThis user has file mover rights on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
62,000+This user has made over 62,000 contributions to Commons.
Gnome-video-x-generic.svgThis user has uploaded videos to Wikimedia Commons.
Gnome-audio-input-microphone.svgThis user has uploaded sound files to Commons.
Quality images logo.svgThis user has uploaded quality images to Commons.
Mozilla FirefoxThis user contributes using
Mozilla Firefox.

User Huhu Uet 1971

Statistic Commons[edit]

  • Number of Active users: 36,690
  • Number of User: 11,258,896
  • Number of Admins: 199
  • Number of Articles: 84,517,513
  • Number of Pages: 114,468,372
  • Number of Edits: 688,381,595
  • Number of Files: 86,459,356
Rank Namespace Count
1 File 46,495 (87.6%)
2 Category 4,108 (7.7%)
3 User 1,912 (3.6%)
4 Main 286 (0.5%)
5 User talk 187 (0.4%)
6 Commons 61 (0.1%)
7 File talk 6 (0%)
8 Creator 6 (0%)
9 Category talk 2 (0%)
10 Commons talk 2 (0%)
11 Template 1 (0%)
11 namespaces 53,066

Weiternutzung meiner Bilder / Reuse of my images[edit]

Hinweis zur Lizenzierung und Nutzung meiner Bilder   Information about licensing and usage of my images
„Freie Enzyklopädie“ bedeutet: Kostenlos verfügbare Inhalte, aber urheberrechtlich geschützt. Frei bedeutet in dem Zusammenhang nicht Freiwild!   "Free encyclopedia" means: Contents free of charge, but protected by copyright laws. In this context free does not mean fair game!
Meine Bilder sind unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumention (GFDL) und/oder der CreativeCommons (CC) lizensiert. Das bedeutet, daß Sie die Bilder gegen eine kleine immaterielle Gegenleistung kostenlos verwenden dürfen: Nennung des Autors Frank Schwichtenberg und der Lizenz. Das bedeutet im Einzelnen:

Wenn Sie meine Bilder verwenden wollen, tun Sie dies einfach und problemlos konform der entsprechenden Lizenzen, eine weitere Rücksprache ist nicht erforderlich. D.h., Sie müssen den Bildautor und die Lizenz nennen.


My images are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) and/or CreativeCommons (CC). That means you may use my images free of charge against a little immaterial eqivalent, naming the author Frank Schwichtenberg and license. That means in detail:

If you'd like to use one of my images, please use it simply and without difficulty according to the terms of the respective licence without any further requests. I.e., you have to name the author and the license.