
AntiCompositeBot's NoLicense task is an automated program that tags files that appear to have no license for deletion. After one week, an administrator will delete the file if it still does not have the required license information. AntiCompositeBot can not delete files on its own. This page attempts to answer some common questions about AntiCompositeBot's NoLicense task. If you still have questions after reading this page, please ask for help at User talk:AntiCompositeBot.

My file got tagged, what do I do?

The most likely reason for AntiCompositeBot tagging your file is that you did not include a license template on the file description page. Pick a license from Commons:Copyright tags and add it to the file description page. If the file is your own work, you can pick any license that suits your needs. If the file came from somewhere else, you must pick the license template that matches the copyright status of the file.

A plain-text description of the license will not be detected by the bot, and may be a violation of the license.

Once you have added a license template, you may remove the deletion template. If you believe that there was already a valid license tag on the page, see #Help, AntiCompositeBot made a mistake! below.

How do I stop AntiCompositeBot from tagging my files?

To stop AntiCompositeBot from editing a page, you can place {{bots|deny=AntiCompositeBot}} on the page. In most cases, however, it is better to fix the problem by adding a valid license template to the file. Adding the nobots template won't stop other editors from tagging unlicensed files for deletion or notifying you about those tags.

AntiCompositeBot tagged my file for deletion, and didn't warn me!

To prevent AntiCompositeBot from sending excessive numbers of warnings, it will group warnings for the same user together. This means that the NoLicense task may defer warning a user for up to 10 minutes while it processes additional files. If you do not receive a warning after at least 10 minutes, see #Help, AntiCompositeBot made a mistake!.

Help, AntiCompositeBot made a mistake!

Some license templates are not properly designed, and can not be detected by a bot. These templates provide valid license information, but do need to be repaired. In other cases, technical issues may cause unexpected behavior from the bot.

If AntiCompositeBot has tagged a file for deletion that has a valid license tag or is already tagged with a deletion notice, please report that to the bot operator at User talk:AntiCompositeBot or User talk:AntiCompositeNumber. If the NoLicense task is consistently malfunctioning, you can disable the task by changing User:AntiCompositeBot/NoLicense/Run to "False". An administrator can also block the bot.

How does it work?

The bot uses a query similar to to find potentially eligible files that are in Category:Files_with_no_machine-readable_license, were uploaded in the last 1 month, and are not currently tagged for deletion. The restriction on upload time is to prevent the bot from tagging files that may have previously had a license or otherwise need human review.

As a safety measure against replag and poorly-coded templates, the bot will check for {{Deletion template tag}} and {{License template tag}} using the API before tagging the page. If neither are found, it will tag the file with {{subst:nld}} and notify the uploader with {{subst:Image license}}.

The bot runs from Kubernetes on Toolforge in the anticompositebot tool. Most configuration is stored on-wiki at User:AntiCompositeBot/NoLicense/Config.json. The code is available at