Commons:Graphic Lab/Illustration workshop

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Nuvola apps package graphics.svg Illustration workshop


This workshop is part of the Graphics Lab, a project aimed at picture retouching to improve the graphical content of the Wikimedia projects. More information about the lab can be found on its main page and requests pages (Illustrations ; Photographs ; Maps ; Video and Sound). To ask questions or make a suggestions, see the talk page of the graphic lab page.

This specific page is the requests page for the Illustration Workshop. Anyone can make a request for an illustration to be created or improved. The standard format for making a request is shown below, along with general advice, and should be followed.

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See also[edit]

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Vector diagrams for linear patterns of the skin[edit]

Article(s): en:Langer's lines, en:Blaschko's lines, en:Dermatome (anatomy)

I think it would be nice to have standardized vector images for the three common linear patterns of the skin (i.e., Langer's lines, Blaschko's lines, and dermatomes). This article has diagrams of all three of them, but you may want to look at several images for each because there's some variability between different representations.
As far as the styles of the illustrations, the format of side-by-side anterior and posterior views is the most common.
From a scientific standpoint, one important consideration to remember is that Langer's lines represent a vector field of skin tension, while Blaschko's lines and dermatomes are used to demarcate particular segments of skin. In other words, for Langer's lines, the lines themselves are what's important, while for Blaschko's lines and dermatomes, it's the segments of skin between the lines that are important. This should influence the choice of coloring style. I think it's going to be too complicated to accurately color Langer's lines and I haven't found any images attempting it, so those don't need to be colored. For the other two, the segments should be colored (we don't even technically need lines between them if the contrast between the colors is enough to see the boundaries between the segments, but I'll defer to your judgement on that). The unique thing about Blaschko's lines is that they have a directionality to them, from back to front (i.e., wrapping around from spine to navel), from medial to lateral (shoulders to fingers) and from top to bottom (hips to toes). The image here may show the directionality a bit better for the legs. I'm not sure what the best way to show the directionality of the segments will be, but perhaps shading them so the beginning is more saturated than the end. Dermatomes should be filled with color according to the level of the nerves innervating them, as shown here.
Thanks, and happy to discuss further. --Rob Hurt (talk) 00:10, 26 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

Stock-brush-red.svg Request taken by --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:10, 26 October 2021 (UTC)
@Rob Hurt: I will really need your help all the way here. So you want three different images each representing different lines; Langer's lines, Blaschko's lines, and dermatomes. So first we will have to find a body illustration that can be used for them all. After that I will check more into each and will for sure have questions. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:10, 26 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Base bodies[edit]

Extended content
@Rob Hurt:
@Goran tek-en: No problem. Yes, let's do three separate images. I think that image is good, but it might be nice to have one with feet pointed down so you can see the top and bottom, and with no hair on the head. There are a few sex differences, but let's use a gender-neutral body for simplicity. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:33, 26 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt:
  • Will it not be hard to have gender-neutral body when doing Langer's lines (haven't checked for the others), to my understand they are following the topographic of a body.
  • I have started to make SVG version of this file:Human Body.jpg because I thought we could do both woman and man, I know it's more work but will it not be better?
  • For the feet, do you mean like those two: top, bottom. That will mean the bodys will be like floating in the air. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 21:14, 26 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en: I would be ok with doing either both or gender neutral. In all cases, I'm remembering that these don't need to have the accuracy of a medical textbook, but are more for the public to get a general understanding of the concepts. So I would be inclined to air on the side of simplicity and interpretability even at the cost of some accuracy, but that's just my opinion. And yes, floating in the air like here. --Rob Hurt (talk) 21:05, 27 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt: Yes, I will not over do it (try to). The image you linked to is that the Langer's lines? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:32, 28 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en: I certainly appreciate the attention to detail, and I think we'll have to decide what compromises to make. In order, these are Langer's lines, dermatomes, and Blaschko's lines. --Rob Hurt (talk) 16:11, 28 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt: Before I continue I want to check how you want the bodies to look. One is lines and one is shaded for the volume (I know, too much details.) Tell me which you want or maybe both because ones I have made the bodies and the three different lines it's quite easy to move between the two versions.
@Goran tek-en: I think these look good, and the shaded one perhaps looks a bit more professional, as long as those colors don't end up conflicting with the colors used for the skin lines. I'm in favor of making the illustrations look professional though. Do you have the back of the body too? --Rob Hurt (talk) 17:30, 1 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt: Thanks, yes I have back and front back of male also. I will be back when I have done them all (bodies), might take a while. Of course I will see to so the lines will be visible. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:12, 1 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Rob Hurt: Now I finally have the drafts for the bodies, sorry it took so long.

We now (if those are fine with you) have to decide how you want the bodies:
1 Standing all four in one image, A
2 Standing all four in one image but half-half bodies so they would become two, like the images you linked to at the top
3 Lying female respectively male in each image, C and D
4 3 but as half-half and then we can have them without an offset
5 Or any other version you want
To really see their real sizes you would have to download them and look at them in a software that tells the level of zoom.
I think like this, most screens are in landscape and I try to keep the height of images to a maximum of 1 000 px. The 1 000 px is something I assume many screens can view (in a browser window) without having to scroll, to view the whole image. To be able to view as much details as possible I try to keep to this. It's always a problem as you don't know how an image will be consumed but the main target here is within an article at wikipedia but I always try to make them work as a free standing image which can be used in different places and circumstances, this is of course impossible but I try.
So give me feed back and we discuss how to set them up, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 19:31, 10 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Goran tek-en: I think these look great, and my preference is A. You're making these as vector images, right, so we can arbitrarily adjust the scaling at any point? The more I think about it, the more I think that we should also have a gender-neutral version, just in case someone ever wants to use these images in a classroom or a news article. --Rob Hurt (talk) 21:30, 12 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt:
  • Sorry for not being clear, it's SVG I work in, the drafts are PNG due to rendering limitations where I show my drafts.
  • So they can be scaled to what ever one wants. But, this is in theory and technically. From a view point line thickness, spaces, relationship of stuff has to be edited when scaling much, both up and down. It's the same as text, a 20 pt (or px or what you use) sentence which is scaled to e.a. 180 pt has to be edited letter by letter (the distance between them) to look good.
  • A gender-neutral version is something we will have to discuss after female, male is completed. I have some reservations and points of opinion there.
  • Could you link me to a few of the best images you know of regarding Langer's lines, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 12:25, 13 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt: I have now uploaded the base bodies as a separate file Female-male front-back 3d-shaded human illustration. Could you please check the information on it and especially the credit part with you. Do you want it in any other way just tell me, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:45, 13 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en: I think that file looks great, and thanks for crediting me too. I think it could also be worth posting separate versions of the male and female bodies in case someone wants to use only one of them for something specific. --Rob Hurt (talk) 18:27, 16 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Yeas I think so too, will do in time. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:45, 16 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Look at Female-male front-back 3d-shaded human illustration and Other versions, there are the versions I created. I also think I will create a Gallery for those, I'm learning about it as I intend to create some for "image sets" I have created.
I have made a change which I hope you approve. I made the female and male the same height, this so when they are used they will work well together e.g. Langer's lines. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 13:20, 17 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Langer's lines[edit]

Extended content

Rob Hurt, Could you link me to a few of the best images you know of regarding Langer's lines, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 11:51, 15 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Goran tek-en: Sure, here are a few. I think this, this, this and this ( should be your references because they are based on the experimental data. But for the ease of interpretability, this, this, this, and this are illustrated in a more viewer-friendly way. --Rob Hurt (talk) 18:27, 16 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I hope you don't get tired of all my questions. I will here describe how I'm thinking around this and if there is something you don't agree with please let me know.
When I look at your linked images and others I searched for, it confuses me. The lines and the patterns they create are so different in the images. The way they follow the body and how. It also varies depending how close (detailed) they show them. So depending on how large, detailed the illustration is the more or less lines are used. It also seems to me that there is not a fix distance between the lines, within a specific illustration, they vary over the body.
To me, the way they are drawn more looks like tattoos than lines following the body.
So I'm thinking like this, imagine you use a string e.g. clothesline with a diameter and you glue that on the body where the lines exist. This also gives me the possibility to show that the lines actually follow the body around the edges to the back.
  • This is the way how I have drawn the drafts. Look at this draft which is in 400% and hopefully you will see what I mean. To me, this looks much better as an illustration but I'm not sure it's acceptable for you.
  • The drafts I will show you (not the final version) will look like those. As always they are PNG but the original file is SVG.
The difference to the final version is that I manually have edited the lines where they go around the body. It's not that visible directly but indirectly it gives you a better illustration, and that you can sense.
I actually would see that we could find a way so that the image size could be like the 200% drafts, but will see. Feedback before I continue, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:02, 17 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Do you have the possibility to respond to the above, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 11:22, 22 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Just to clarify, you want to decide whether the lines should be 3D and sit on top of the skin like string, or 2D and just mark the surface? I think that 2D would be better, because it makes it clearer that the lines are actually part of the skin itself (even though we can't see them with our eyes). They represent the direction of skin tension which is continuous, so you could draw infinitely many lines to represent it. I think for this purpose we should just make sure that the lines are reasonably accurate, and that we don't put so many that the image has more visual complexity than it needs to. Rob Hurt (talk) 21:22, 23 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Thanks for your explanation, I will do what you think is best for the purpose of those illustrations. In my "world" (I see most things as an image, which I want to be as beautiful as possible) I would prefer 3D but this request is yours and you know best what you need.
  • Are the number of lines I have in the draft fine or do you want fewer or more? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 21:40, 23 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Rob Hurt
Rob Hurt

Those drafts are PNG versions of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
Those drafts are for proofreading only.

I need you to check if the lines ar OK like this in numbers, shapes etc. Please ignore them sticking out here and there, I will fix that ones you have approved them.
If it's fine with you I would like to do one version lying, like this
Looking at the different existing images confuse me a bit as they are so different in how the lines are drawn, so I had to guess a lot and go by my feeling. Feedback thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:23, 24 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think the density of lines is good, but I might change the color a bit to make them stand out against the skin a bit more. I realize that one of the illustrations (as opposed to the original anatomical images) oversimplified the lines, and they aren't quite right the way you have them. I think this image is the most correct, and I would use that as your guide. You can compare it to the others if you want: if the face is difficult to see in that image, this and this should help, and for the body this may help. You can also find other images, but they should generally agree with the first image. Rob Hurt (talk) 00:05, 27 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
You should check the number of lines and how they are drawn. The color and how visible they are we can fine tune ones they are fine.
Thanks for telling me "which image is the most correct" as all the versions are so confusing, much appreciated.
The ears are difficult in this scale. If you also can accept the lying ones there we have some more room to fine tune if necessary.
The reason I choose to show the lines like this is because you wrote "that the lines are actually part of the skin itself", but as I said this can be changed later.
As the female breasts are drawn differently in the images I have looked at I have two versions for you to look at.
Those drafts are PNG versions of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
Those drafts are shown for proofreading only.
@Rob Hurt Added a second ear version. Disregard that the lines are "sticking out", that will be fine tuned ones approved.
@Goran tek-en For the breast, I think these lines are the most correct, which is close to what you have in version 2. For the ears, I think we need to fix the base body's anatomy before fixing the lines--can you make it look more like the ear shown here? Rob Hurt (talk) 21:01, 29 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt You didn't say anything about the other drafts and the lines so I assume that you have approved them.
@Goran tek-en These look good, though I don't think there should be a line on the nipple itself. For the ears, I think we're missing some of the structures (at least antihelix, cymba, cavum, and helix crus), as well as a definition of where the upper part of the tragus meets the helix crus. The rest of the body looks good though. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:03, 30 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I will add as good as I can but we don't have that kind of details for other parts of the body, especially when you consider how big an ear is and in this scale, drafts in 100%. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 19:56, 30 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt New ear drafts
@Goran tek-en Great, this looks much better. Rob Hurt (talk) 16:57, 1 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Rob Hurt

@Goran tek-en I think this looks great. Rob Hurt (talk) 23:28, 1 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Then we can start to decide how the lines should appear, meanwhile I will start with the other versions.
The lines can be in any color, thickness and opacity.
I prefer the "overlay" version as here the appearance of the lines are affected by what the body below looks like, in this way the lines becomes more of a part of the body. The grey lines are like rigid and apart of the body, to me. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 10:30, 2 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think the thickness looks good, and are you saying that the opacity for the overlay is less than the other? Can you do the gray or a black or blue with slightly more transparency? Rob Hurt (talk) 18:16, 2 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Rob Hurt

Those drafts are PNG versions of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
Those drafts are shown for proofreading only.

The ones I call "overlay" is a "Blend mode" between objects on top of each other, it doesn't specifically has to do with opacity. The top object changes its appearance depending on how light/bright the object below it is.
@Goran tek-en I think the lines look great. Now should we consider adding a gender-neutral version as well? For the color, I like the grey 100 the most out of the ones shown because it's very easy to see. The others may look a bit more natural, but for the purposes of a medical illustration like this, I think the most important thing is the information. What do you think? Rob Hurt (talk) 18:35, 6 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
1) You are the requester and if you say 50 grey 100 is the best for your purpose then we go for that. We can always add another version if wished.
I will need the following;
  • Name of the file
  • Description (/language)
  • Captions/s (/language)
  • Category/ies at commons
  • Structured data/Items portrayed in this file, the Q#.
to be able to upload it at commons. For the different versions it's mostly the name which changes I guess.
2) Gender-neutral version
This is difficult for me. Please remember that English is not my native language.
  • To me we have female and male genders with all possible variations in between, it's not absolutely female or male, it's all variations in between.
  • To not show what we can (all variations) look like is to me to try to "oppress" or "disregard facts" and trying to influence other human beings.
  • How would a "gender-neutral version" look like, which parts is the problem? I think if you ask all the different cultures, religions, country systems, all other groups etc you would get very different answers. So I guess what would be left is an outline contour with flat fill color and how could one depict Langer's lines on that.
So at this time I will not create a "gender-neutral version" for this purpose. I really hope for your understanding so we can continue with your request here. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 12:10, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en
  • Names: "Langer's lines_male" and "Langer's lines_female" or just "Langer's lines" if you're going to post a version with both
  • Description: Langer's lines represent the direction of skin tension.
  • Caption: Artist's depiction of Langer's lines present in the skin of a human male. -or- Artist's depiction of Langer's lines present in the skin of a human female.
  • Categories: Langer's lines‎
  • Q1591425
I probably should have explained it a bit differently, because we might be talking about two different things. To me, gender-neutral would be the opposite of "all variations in between"--it would actually be the absence of any male/female/in-between information while preserving only the information that is common to both/all (to the best of our ability). This would be done not for the purpose of educating people about gender, but instead for the purpose of educating a wider audience of people about Langer's lines, because there are some contexts in which images like this would be less likely to be used for fear of censorship (I was thinking news articles and some classrooms, though of course not in medical contexts). In those cases, I wanted to give people an option to still use a version that they are comfortable with instead of none at all.
I wanted to explain my view here in case it helps, but if it doesn't resonate with you, then I certainly won't want you to make any illustrations that you disagree with. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:10, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Rob Hurt Now you can find them here; Langer's lines‎ 3D shaded true SVG. If you don't see any problems there this part should be ✓ Done

  • For the "gender-neutral version" I'm struggling. If you search for "Androgynous human body illustration" there is not much difference to them and what we have, the genital parts are toned down in the ones we have here already. I do understand your point but to me the people censoring stuff like this is living in a world which I don't want to be a part of. And it will be so hard to decide how to look e.g. would male breasts be fine but not female breasts etc. Can we leave it for now and return later on.

Blaschko's lines[edit]

Extended content

Can you give me a short explanation and link to images which you say is representative for what you want. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 19:02, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Goran tek-en Unlike Langer's lines, Blaschko's lines and dermatomes aren't real lines, but instead the regions of skin between the lines are derived from the same embryonic cell (Blaschko's) or are innervated by the same sensory neurons (dermatomes). This means that there is a correct density of lines for both, unlike for Langer's lines. I think this and this are the best images, but here is another. For dermatomes we definitely will want to shade the skin in between lines like here, and technically the same would be appropriate for Blaschko's lines, but we can decide if that will be too visually overwhelming or not. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:34, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Thanks, why are the lines/areas different left and right side of the belly part in the front view? Should they not be more similar? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 14:48, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en That's to demonstrate that the lines are slightly different for each person because of stochasticity during embryonic development--it's actually the same phenomenon that causes stripes on zebras, spots on cats, etc. which aren't identical from one individual to the next and aren't perfectly symmetrical within an individual. In general they should follow the same pattern on both sides, but there is some randomness. Rob Hurt (talk) 23:10, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Before I continue I want to check this with you.
  • If you want areas here instead of lines we have to decide that now as it's two completely different ways of drawing and I also want to check if the lines I have here are correct.
@Goran tek-en Yes those lines look good. As for the areas, if we're going to do it, I think we should make all the areas colored/shaded, rather than some shaded and some not, like you have it. The question is how we want to do the coloring/shading. One option would be to have them all the same color, but different shades. Another option would be to have them different colors, like here. But graphic design isn't my specialty, so can you think of any other options we have? Rob Hurt (talk) 18:16, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt The colored version has another meaning to me, each color show something different than the other colors according to the legend. I think we should try shades ones they are all drawn. But a Blaschko pattern on a human being is a darker color and usual skin color around it. I will do the drawings now, might take a while. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 17:49, 15 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I just want you to know that it will be a bit longer before I'm back as I have a difficult period with myself, but I will be back. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 14:41, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en No problem, take your time, and I hope that everything is ok with you. Rob Hurt (talk) 17:03, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob HurtHi Rob, I'm back (not 100% but enough) and I have picked up the drawing.
To do each field for blaschko so it can be filled separately is very complex to draw, and with four views it's really a lot.
So I hope we (mainly you) can think again if we need all fields to be able to fill them individually or maybe we can do something like this and we can also make separate version with just lines if you like. But having one version were just a few fields are filled will be much easier on me. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:49, 23 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. For the drawings, I think it should be fine to only shade in a few sections. Rob Hurt (talk) 17:20, 24 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Rob Hurt Here you have to check if those lines a good for Blaschko. Don't think about lines sticking out, will fix that later.

Those drafts are PNG versions of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
Those drafts are shown for proofreading only.

Draft-1 100%
Draft-1 200% --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:40, 2 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Goran tek-en I think these look good. The only minor question I have is whether it's possible to make the lines look like they attach to the skin better, following folds on the body such as the chest, armpits, and groin better. But if this is hard, it's not necessary. Other than that, we'll just have to play around with the line thickness and color to make them more visible, and decide whether we want the shading inside to be translucent or opaque. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:03, 2 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I can try to make them follow the actual body more, now I have followed the different images you showed me so I didn't know that they should be like that, but when I think about it, of course. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:10, 2 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt If those drafts not are good you will have to tell me more specifically what you want or even better show me an example.
@Goran tek-en I think the thing I'm noticing is that when the lines wrap around the sides of certain raised structures such as the trachea, breast, and knee, they should follow the contour of the structure rather than continuing straight undisturbed. But this is a minor stylistic point, so we don't need to spend too much time on it, especially if it's difficult. Can you also experiment with the line color/thickness/opacity to make them slightly more visible? Rob Hurt (talk) 17:50, 8 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
  • I'm trying to do this but what is strange to me is that all the sources you provided do not have lines that follow body structures, draft-3 200%.
  • Yes we have to start thinking of the lines and the colored areas.
    • Do you want them to look like the Langers's lines?
    • Same visibility but another color, which?
    • Should the areas have the same color as the lines or other, which? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:54, 9 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Yes I agree that the other illustrations don’t do a very good job of it. So whatever you can do is ok with me. Yes, I think the lines for Langer’s lines looked good, and the shading could I guess be the same color. Rob Hurt (talk) 04:26, 20 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
Those drafts are PNG versions of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
Those drafts are shown for proofreading only.
@Goran tek-en These both look good, but I think I prefer the gray one slightly. In terms of which regions to shade, I realized that we should probably include some of the most common ones involved in disease, which would be areas on the chest, back, and forehead/scalp, so maybe we just use the ones shaded in this image. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:42, 21 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt For the chest/front, we don't have that middle line dividing it left-right as the red image you linked to. Should I add a center line in the front views? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 09:31, 22 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Grey-2 100% --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 10:33, 22 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en That's a good point, and we don't want the shading going all the way across the chest--only half. In reality, the way I understand it, there's no hard line running down the middle of the front--instead the cells start growing and migrating from the spine, then wrap around the sides and meet each other in the middle of the front. So if the cells on one side are growing a bit faster than the other, that patch could cross the midline slightly, but this is independent for each Blaschko's patch. Considering this, I think we shouldn't draw any lines down the middle, but still only shade one half of the body at a time. Also, for the forehead, could you move the shading over by one so it only goes down to the eyebrow? Rob Hurt (talk) 17:06, 24 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Grey-3 100% --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:15, 24 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think this looks great. Rob Hurt (talk) 17:16, 25 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Can you give me the information which is general for all the different versions (like we did on langers).
  • I will need the following;
    • Name of the file
    • Description (/language)
    • Captions/s (/language)
    • Category/ies at commons
    • Structured data/Items portrayed in this file, the Q#, to be able to upload it at commons, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 13:32, 26 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Just want to check with you so you have seen that I need information from you as above, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 11:32, 7 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Rob Hurt I haven't heard from you in a while so now I have uploaded the Blaschko files and you can find them here: Blaschko's lines, patterns 3D shaded true SVG

  • I had to guess some for description and so. It would be great if you could check and let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed.
  • So if this is done what is the third type of illustrations you want? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 19:11, 17 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en sorry for the delay, but yes those look good and I'll probably make a few minor edits to the metadata.


Extended content

The last type of illustration would be dermatomes, which do have a very specific and consistent structure to how they are arranged, and are separated into C, T, L, and S subsets. There are some vector images here already, but they're cartoonish and not very accurate. Can you use this and this image as your guides to overlay onto the base bodies you have? Rob Hurt (talk) 01:04, 23 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Rob Hurt There are at least two different ways to label them according to your links, how do you want it labeled?
We can also do a numbered version and the text can be in the description field? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 17:59, 24 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en For the labeling, the two different ways you're referring to are either labeling them on the body or labeling them on the side and color-coding the labels? I think I prefer them on the body--even though it looks a bit more cluttered, it makes it much easier to see which is which. But if you have another opinion artistically, let me know. Rob Hurt (talk) 22:03, 24 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
This draft is a PNG version of the original SVG file I'm working in and will upload to commons.
This draft is shown for proofreading only.
Want to check before I continue.
Two things; the face has no code on it, T 1 where the arm meets the chest. There is a small area also T1, is that correct?
Dermatomes-1. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 17:07, 3 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Thanks for checking--the face is here, and here is a better image of the arms. Rob Hurt (talk) 16:16, 6 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt As always, when I check different images they are not the same so really check everything, there are a couple of areas to which I couldn't find code. Draft-2. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:48, 11 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think these look good. The ones labeled XX are C8, T1 and the ones labeled YY are C5, 6. For the colors, it seems like the ones used from the shoulders up are a different, more muted color scheme. Was that intentional? Rob Hurt (talk) 18:18, 11 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I just took the colors from your image, I have now changed them and some others so it will work as well as it can for people with color deficiencies, draft-3. Check everything. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 15:58, 12 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think this looks great for the front. Rob Hurt (talk) 18:13, 13 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt When I look at the two images you linked to, this and this there are some differences (to me anyway) between front and back. I have to draw the areas/lines so front and back actually will meet and continuous around the side of the body.
  • Back has T1, C4,5,6 (shoulders height) which front do not, should there be a difference, if not which to follow?
  • Same with the leg, back image: L1,2 and L2,3. I can't understand how they could run around the body and meet as the front image looks like, which to follow?
They also have different for the same coded fields back-front but I will change that. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 13:10, 27 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en It's a bit tricky, and different diagrams show them differently. There's also some variability from one person to another. For the neck and shoulders, let's follow this. For the legs, I think those actually make sense to me. For L1,2, you can see how those originate from the spinal cord on the back and wrap around the outside of the hip to the front. And look at where L2 and L3 come out of the spinal cord on the back and the large sliver that they create together on the back, as well as the L2,3 patch on the back inside of the left knee--does that make it easier to see how the front L2,3 wraps around both sides to the back? --Rob Hurt (talk) 16:13, 29 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Yes it's really tricky because now this new "neck shoulders" image doesn't look the same as the front svg image and it depends on how the arms are rotated... I will do my best and then you have to look at them, I also have to go back to the front view and change in that. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 12:40, 2 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Now I'm so confused you have to check those, both front and back. I still can't really see the lines going round legs and arms but it doesn't matter as long as you are happy. This draft is a mix of all the images you have told me to look at, feedback thanks. Draft woman front back 1 --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 18:01, 9 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en I think the front looks good, and the back does too except for the arms. This is really what we want to use for the arms. I gave you this for the neck and shoulders, but it doesn't have the arms the way we want. Does it make sense, or are there discrepancies you see?
Also, are the colors used for the head and neck the same palette as the rest of the body? They seem like they're a different shade, but I might be wrong. --Rob Hurt (talk) 03:08, 11 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt
The different images we work from doesn't have the same set up of areas so this draft is a mix of all the images, woman back front 2
Here is an image with numbers which refers to the questions below.
1. Generally I don't understand the areas which has multiple code on them e.a. C 8, T 1?
If it's correct and complicated to explain you don't have to.
2. How can C 8 just appear in a separate area without having contact with the other C 8 area?
3. If the front view has this area C 6,7,8 should it not also be on the back view?
4. To me those fields doesn't meet when moving from front to back?
5. This area just ends/disappears when going round back to front?
6. This is S 1,2 on the back but L 5, S 1,2 on the front, correct?
7. L 1 in front is so divided into more fields in the back? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 17:36, 15 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Four general points to start: first, the diagrams aren't exact down to the centimeter, and there's variability among individuals in terms of which nerves innervate which patches of skin, and sometimes multiple nerve fibers can innervate the same patch; second, some diagrams show the developmental innervation and some show the clinical innervation, and the maps were also determined in different ways throughout medical research history, so that's why there can be differences; third, even though all the nerves exit from the spinal cord, they can surface anywhere, so the patches of skin don't have to be connected in any particular way. Nerves can also branch, and depending on where that happens, it can lead to areas that are innervated by the same nerve that aren't next to each other; fourth, we don't always expect patches to wrap from front to back--each patch has a line separating it from its neighbors, and sometimes those lines can occur on the sides of the body and aren't shown in the diagrams. This should help with the hands, and you can look at A and B of this to refine the legs, but you'll see that some of the boundaries are on the side of the leg. Let me know if you have more questions. Rob Hurt (talk) 02:08, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt I haven't understood that the areas originated from nerves, that explains a lot. I believed that it was areas on the surface of the skin, so now I understand more your points, thanks.
New drafts and the codes I don't have is marked X1 etc. draft front back. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 19:42, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Good, I'm glad that clarified things.
Those nerves originate from several nerve roots, and branch in the arm to innervate different patches of skin. But if you want a code for them, it would be:
X1: C8, T1
X2: C6-8
X3: C6-8
Rob Hurt (talk) 23:41, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt It's not what I want, it's your request so you say if you want codes or not. If you want you can have two versions, with and with out codes.
Draft for your feedback, check everything, thanks. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 10:57, 31 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Ok I think this looks great. Rob Hurt (talk) 01:04, 6 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Should the male illustration be the same or any changes? --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:51, 8 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en Nope I think they should be the same. Rob Hurt (talk) 19:18, 8 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Rob Hurt Sorry for the delay but my family is having a bad time, will be back in due time. --please ping me-- Goran tek-en (talk) 16:49, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Goran tek-en No problem, that's much more important, and I hope everything works out ok. Rob Hurt (talk) 22:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Banners for these Coat of Arms[edit]

Article(s): en:Principality of Arbanon - en:Principality of Muzaka - en:Principality of Dukagjini

I Need their coat of arms made into banners. Thank you! --Arberian2444 (talk) 02:19, 30 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
  • Arberian2444, do you have official / reliable sources to show what their flags look like? -- (talk) 03:38, 7 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
It should be on the pages of the each article. The photos of the coat of arms takes you to a reliable source. If not there should be a description of the the coat of arms and hopefully where they got it from. I just need them these coat of arms to be made into banners.Arberian2444 (talk) 06:55, 7 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Arberian2444: I can tell that all coat of arms are backed by reliable sources. My inquiry is just for the flags — I was searching online for things like "Arbanon flags", but all I got were "arbanon coat of arms" everywhere, with maybe a few fan-made flags here and there. -- (talk) 15:54, 7 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
User:痛I Mean Its similiar what they did for the bosnian coat of arms someone turned them into a banner. I just want the same thing done for these coat of arms :). Because it would kinda be impossible for a banner to survive this long in real life to have evidence. Arberian2444 (talk) 17:23, 7 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Arberian2444: Understandable. However, as you can see from the "flags made of ready-made elements" request below, one cannot always predict what a flag looks like from their coat of arms. While I can always draw a single-colored rectangle and put these bird animals in the middle, it is ultimately considered original research. I just did another research but still couldn't find any sources online... maybe some other graphists here who understand Albanian can do a better search through books. -- (talk) 23:33, 19 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Ok thanks anyways! Arberian2444 (talk) 02:25, 20 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@ and Arberian2444:
  • for Principality of Arbanon, I've found: [1] (please see 2nd image), [2], [3]
and also in Commons: AL.XX.AB.gif
  • for Principality of Muzaka, I've found: [4] (in [5])
and also in Commons: Flag of the Bajrak of Kashnjeti (1878).svg Coat of arms Muzaka family.png Coat of arms of the Muzaka Family.svg
  • for Principality of Dukagjini, I've found: [6] (in [7]) (and proposals of what could have been such a flag: [8], [9])
and also in en:File:Dukagjini.svg
yours, En rouge (talk) 21:10, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Arberian2444: Very bold guess: I assumed the banner of arms were identical to the coat of arms depicted in Commons/Wikipedia images. I consdiered them fictitious flags and put them in the proper categories. use them with strong caution, otherwise they could be easily deleted.--Carnby (talk) 17:04, 12 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Badge of An Garda Síochána[edit]

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 14:49, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Article(s): w:Garda Síochána

Please make corrections to svg files. The inscriptions on the Irish Police emblem contain several errors. The current artwork says Sarda Síochána. This is probably because the original artwork used an celtic G (Ᵹ), which at first glance may look a lot like an S. Letters in svg graphics are curves, different sizes and thicknesses. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 23:48, 14 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
Swiãtopôłk, your request above contains a mix of English and Polish instructions. Can you elaborate your request in English? Is the G letter the only thing that needs to be patched? -- (talk) 02:52, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, sorry, I don't know how it happened and why I noticed the problem with the language earlier. Actually, all letters should be corrected, bold. Apart from G, N and H deserve special attention. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 07:29, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: Just to make sure I understand correctly — only the texts on the "ring" need correction. The S needs to be changed to a G, and all the cursive writings need to be replaced by a thicker sans-serif font. (talk) 04:41, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@: Yes, all repairs must be entered on the badges. The blue ring "Air Support Unit" is not confusing. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:10, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: I've updated both SVGs. I hope you like them, because the letters are all hand-drawn this time :P -- (talk) 03:46, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That's exactly what I meant, thank you, it's great. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 14:49, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

SVG flag-map[edit]

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. (talk) 01:07, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Article(s): Portuguese Colonial War, Rhodesian Bush War and South African Border War.

Please create a SVG flag-map of Southern Africa in 1968, thx. ColorfulSmoke (talk) 13:44, 19 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
✓ Done--Mike Rohsopht (talk) 16:59, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Seal of the General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea[edit]

Article(s): w:General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea

An user posted a tweet to my talk page show a document seal of the General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, it would be nice to make it vectorised. --Great Brightstar (talk) 14:43, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
Is there any evidence that indicates this seal design is in the public domain (author life + 50y), per the North Korean law? Guessing from the dates in that tweet collage, it looks like WPK Chairman emblem.svg is the older version of the seal, and they designed a new seal in Jan 2021? (talk) 17:32, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I believe that the seal design is in public domain due to it being used for state management without commercial purpose. Migs005 (talk) 05:00, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for the delay. It looks like the image is too blurred for me to nail down the details. Is it possible to find some high-resolution images of the seal? I Googled around in English but to no avail. -- (talk) 01:06, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Fictional province of Empolese-Valdelsa[edit]

Article(s): it:Utente:Carnby, it:Unione dei comuni Circondario dell'Empolese Valdelsa

Could you please improve a bit the prancing donkey details?--Carnby (talk) 04:19, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

Atlas of the Munsell Color System[edit]

Article(s): s:Index:Atlas of the Munsell color system.djvu

Color realignment of scans
The colors in this are yellowed/faded. However, I've found that at some point certain tones in Munsell's system were formally defined, so it should in the theory be possible to use the information in this work, coupled with some formally defined 'renotation' data, to determine a color correction that can be applied to these (and other scans).
I appreciate that this is a long-term request, and may need a semi-expert to figure out the relevant correction factor(s) to be applied.
(In some other fields there is the concept of a 'crib'. I am wondering if this can be approrpiately corrected, Commons would have a 'color crib' which could be used to help color shift other images, requested for retouching.
Additional Notes:
  • I'm not sure if a simple one stage correction can be applied.
  • Differing pigments may have different degrees of shift.
  • At some point the Munsell system was rescaled?

--ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 10:27, 22 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)
@ShakespeareFan00: Hi,
I don't know if it's really a good idea to adjust colors of this atlas.
In my opinion, it seems that keeping this book as is, as it was published, as it has aged, as it has been scanned is worth it.
I think it's better to build brand new plates (in svg format for instance – as done in [10]–), referring to this album, to explain and illustrate Munsell system.
En rouge (talk) 20:40, 29 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Moreover, the atlases at [11], [12] and [13] (I don't know if they are the same, or same as your previous link, but I mention them as reminders) can be of any help.
En rouge (talk) 21:19, 29 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: It would still be nice to have version of the Plates of this as SVG though. The other point about having a corrected version for references was that by having a non-faded version of this, it would be possible to have some kind of benchmark that could be used to assist other color correction efforts on Commons.

ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 22:48, 29 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

As a temporary measure, having JPG's for the Plates would still of course be useful :) ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 22:48, 29 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I will make first the SVG of the Plates. About to restore the scan, I'm thinking to first correct the yellowish colour of the pages caused by the time, and then correct the color charts to match the SVG, because we can't know how the original pigment was. What do you think? Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 15:08, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That was exactly the kind of approach I was suggesting :). If it's possible by taking that approach, to also note how specific pigments are affected by fading and yellowing, then that is also critical information that could help improve color corrections performed on other images. Here there are 'defined' colors to some extent, and it should be possible to determine more quantatively what color shifts affect older works ( and scans) with color reproductions in them. I would strongly suggest, if you hadn't considered doing so, documenting the process you undertaken somehow (Wikiversity would be a good place for something like that.)ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 15:19, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Sobre determinar com cada pigment és afectat per l'engroguiment (yellowing) i el descoloriment, no tinc els coneixements per fer-ho i aplicar-ho a correccions. Requeriria matemàtiques complexes i penso que no val la pena. No crec ni que sigui plausible:
- El descoloriment depèn del temps d'exposició a la llum, la intensitat i la freqüència de la llum, l'estructura química del pigment en qüestió... Circumstàncies que o desconeixes o, coneixent-les, quantificar-les per utilitzar un algoritme corrector seria impracticable
- L'engroguiment depèn de l'acidesa del paper, la composició del paper, l'ambient on a estat exposat...
- Has de conèixer exactament quin pigment es va utilitzar
Que consti que jo no sóc experta en la matèria, quins coneixements tens tu sobre el tema?
Mètode per restaurar obra impresa amb el GIMP
Avís: és el que faig servir jo, pot haver-n'hi de millors, no n'he fet recerca
Engroguiment (yellowing)
  1. Amb el comptagotes, prendre una mostra ponderada (com més gran millor) d'una zona que hauria de ser blanca (assumim que era blanc pur)
  2. Crear una nova capa "yellowing" del color del primer pla que acabem d'agafar-ne mostra
  3. Configurar el mode de la capa "yellowing" com a "divideix" (Divide)
Això seria equivalent a fer un balanç de blanc, però té l'avantatge, que si és un llibre i totes les pàgines tenen la mateixa afectació, no cal fer-lo cada vegada i no hi ha variacions, totes es corregeixen uniformement.
Descoloriment (fading)
  1. Veure si hi ha una zona no (tant) descolorida, per exemple, dels llibres s'acostuma a descolorir el llom però no pas les cobertes. Si a la zona no afectada hi ha colors que estan afectats en una altra zona, es poder fer servir de referència
  2. To be continued
Faré recerca, ho perfeccionaré i en faré un tutorial a Wikiversity Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 21:55, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Do you understand Catalan, or Spanish? I understand English, but to explain complex and technical things it's difficult to me. Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 18:10, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I don't speak Spanish or Catalan sorry. Is there process for finding translators on Commons? ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 19:01, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know, but i'm writing my response in english and I am achieving it, but I take so long Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 19:04, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
If you feel more comfortable in catlan, My response (using the Translator in Duck Duck Go)(I have no control over any translation errors):-
Aquest era exactament el tipus d'enfocament que estava suggerint :). Si és possible prenent aquest enfocament, per observar també com els pigments específics es veuen afectats per l'esvaïment i el color groguenc, llavors això també és informació crítica que podria ajudar a millorar les correccions de color realitzades en altres imatges. Aquí hi ha colors "definits" fins a cert punt, i hauria de ser possible determinar de manera més quantativa quins canvis de color afecten les obres més antigues (i les exploracions) amb reproduccions de color en elles. Us suggeriria encaridament, si no us haguéssiu plantejat fer-ho, documentar el procés que heu emprès d'alguna manera (Wikiversity seria un bon lloc per a una cosa així).)
ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 19:17, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
La correcció és correcta. Jo puc entendre't bé en anglès, sense traductor, però al escriure trigo molt. Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 20:15, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
He fet recerca (és un tema que desconeixia totalment) i me'n adono que és molt més complex perquè són escales perceptuals. Veig que hi ha fonts amb els paràmetres de cada color (varien segons l'edició de l'atles)(veure discussió), però no es poden aplicar directament de forma digital, s'ha de fer una conversió complexa. Si @Jacobolus em pogués ajudar a obtenir els valors RGB, jo podria llavors editar l'atles per a que els colors fossin els originals. Ell segurament podrà respondre't sobre les part tècniques sobre el factor de conversió que proposes Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 22:21, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I would recommend against trying to re-color this. There is no way the colors of the physical artifact are precisely as they were in 1915, and there were various changes made to the Munsell Book of Color over time. The Optical Society of America measured the colors in a version of the Munsell Book from about 1930 (if I recall correctly), and then developed the “Munsell renotations” in 1943, which were used subsequently to define the Munsell system. But none of these will precisely match the colors from 1915. Moreover, I would expect some of the colors to not be reproducible on computer displays. I think you should leave this scan as-is. Edit to add: this Atlas is not the full Munsell Book of Color (not sure when the first version of that was published), but only a small subset of color chips used for explaining the system. The color chips in the scan here actually look reasonably good to my eye (the paper yellowed a lot more than the paint chips). I think this scan already does a pretty good job of demonstrating the Munsell color system, and giving useful historical perspective. For any more precise technical purpose this is not the source to look at. –Jacobolus (talk) 23:39, 21 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That is a reasoning I can understand. Do you have a suitable wording I could add to any scan images uploaded, to say the color reproduction should not be trusted for professional work etc?
My other question would be, is there material supporting the formal definition of the Munsell system (you mention the renotation) that is copyright free? (I highly doubt there is but would welcome more information). ?
ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 05:55, 22 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I will correct the yellowing (above I had explain the method I use). Pigments, not being exposed to light being inside the book, will not have been faded significantly.
This data about the 1929 edition (the edition of the scan) is not correct? They are measurements taken years after the edition or are the values used to create that edition?
Thanks! Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 10:43, 22 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I see that it's the 1915 edition, i don't know how I looked to it Núria Florensa Adell (talk) 10:51, 22 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

SVG flags of Saudi Arabia with incorect calligraphy[edit]

List of images

Article(s): various

Several versions of the Saudi flag have a different calligraphy for the Shahada than in the official description (see p. 10). I haven't checked the raster flags, since those will be harder to update. --–LaundryPizza03 (d) 15:04, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

If File:Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg remains stable for a period of time, then I will update the construction sheet and the colouring page. I am not rushing ahead because I am not convinced that the edit war is over. There have been 22 reverts to File:Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg in the last 9 days and the file remains unlocked. MapGrid (talk) 01:42, 28 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Vectorization of coat of arms and flag of Albanian Republican Guard[edit]

Article(s): en:Republican Guard (Albania)

Convert to SVG
If someone could convert this coa and flag to SVG would be nice. Thank you in advance. --AT44 (talk) 10:44, 28 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
@AT44: I am unable to fulfill the request, but I found ready-made items that can help. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:15, 1 july 2022 (UTC)
  • @AT44: Yellow check.svg Half done. The patterns on the goat crown are too hard to see; the twig structure is too time consuming to reproduce exactly the way it looks. I will leave those to anybody else interested in improving them. (talk) 02:42, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Cơ mật viện ấn (機密院印)[edit]

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 07:06, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Article(s): en:Viện cơ mật

I would like to request a vectorised version of the above file…

Preferred file name: File:Cơ mật viện ấn (機密院印).svg.

File caption, File description, categorisation, Etc. remains the same.

English: A seal found on a Tự Đức period document issued by the Cơ mật viện (機密院).
Date Ngày 6 tháng 2 năm Tự Đức thứ 24 (26-03-1871).
Source Own work based on: File:Cơ mật viện ấn (機密院印) - Ngày 6 tháng 2 năm Tự Đức thứ 24 (26-03-1871).jpg
Author Vectorised by (WikiGraphist).

--Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 23:19, 28 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 07:06, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

John Vaughan's proposed flag for North Queensland[edit]

Article(s): State of North Queensland

Will someone please create an SVG file of John Vaughan's flag proposal for the hypothetical Australian state of North Queensland, as seen in this photo here. Thanks. Snow Lion Fenian (talk) 14:42, 29 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

Hmm... Snow Lion Fenian, do you have a better image than this to show the full graphical details of that flag, ideally from a more reliable source? (talk) 10:22, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Khâm sai đại thần quan phòng (欽差大臣關防)[edit]

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 05:39, 23 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Article(s): en:Emblem of Vietnam#List, en:Tonkin (French protectorate), and more in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

Details of your request go here…
  • File caption:

The Thành Thái period Khâm sai đại thần quan phòng (欽差大臣關防) seal used by the imperial commissioner.

  • File description:
English: The Thành Thái period Khâm sai đại thần quan phòng (欽差大臣關防) seal used by the imperial commissioner.
Date Thành Thái 1 (1889).
Source Own work based on: File:Khâm Sai Đại Thần quan phòng (欽差大臣關防) - Thành Thái 1 (1889) 02.png
Author Vectorised by (WikiGraphist).
  • Categories:

--Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 20:35, 1 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)
  • ✓ Done. I don't think you have to put the "section resolved" template on the bottom. SpBot might sometimes bug out, but I don't think it is due to the positioning of this template. (talk) 03:33, 23 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Coopérative de Transport Maritime et Aérien[edit]

Please add vectorized versions of these flags. This time I gave the names
@Swiãtopôłk: Please for Coopérative de Transport Maritime et Aérien (CTMA) and the copyright issue, let us know En rouge (talk) 20:38, 7 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: You can make it, it should not meet the threshold of originality in Canada. By the way, I had not noticed before that the flag has a different version of the logo than the one provided in the article [14]. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 21:57, 7 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: OK, but the proposed flag sample is not sufficient to get the appropriate design, as this will lead to a new, created design.
Uncertainties are:
  1. star appearance – two options exist, aligned branches vs. circumflex branches –
  2. outer outline – two options again, equal left/right height vs. left height less than right height –
And I can't find another photo...
Moreover, I found an alternative flag design (you can zoom into the picture).
En rouge (talk) 21:24, 9 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: I am also not able to find much reliable information, but I am sure that the outline resembling the chimney of the ship is higher on the "a" side. The photo clearly shows an equal star that does not touch the circle, so stick with it. The proportions of the flag resemble Canada, which makes sense as flags with similar proportions look nice side by side. An alternate flag shows this logo, part of it is non-free graphics with complicated shading. I hope I have answered all your questions. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 22:57, 9 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: as written above, about an alternative flag design,
this becomes a reality...!
Using, to look for Coopérative de Transport Maritime et Aérien settlements, I browsed associated private photos. And this alternative flag design appears to be the flag in use.
The proposed photo of the flag, from Commons: Drapeau du groupe CTMA.JPGDrapeau du groupe CTMA.JPG, is dated 2011-08-22 (uploaded 2013-06-07).
Found photos (from are dated 2016-08 to 2021-08: [15], [16], [17], [18] and [19]
The only old flag (Drapeau du groupe CTMA.JPG) was found in a photo (dated 2019-08): [20].
What are your thinkings? Yours, En rouge (talk) 21:57, 10 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: I'd rather just leave a description ,,The flag fell into disuse in the second half of the 2010s and has been informally replaced by a copyrighted projector,,. The big problem with this topic is that the company doesn't really care about its flags and doesn't leave too much information. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 19:28, 11 july 2022 (UTC)
@Swiãtopôłk: I think it's better to pause about House flag of the Coopérative de Transport Maritime et Aérien (CTMA).svg (#6), without any more information!
Please, have a request at a later time. Yours, En rouge (talk) 01:11, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

House Flags 4/6[edit]

Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:10, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Article(s): [[]]

Please add vectorized versions of these flags.

1 They used a flag made of 2 pieces of cloth. Do as with the flag on the right, only with the triangle at the bottom.


3 I gave a very similar flag belonging to another company but in different colors. It should be similar to the flag of the Netherlands.

4 Without the white border around the letter "W", the logo should not have it either. [21]

5 [22]

6 [23]

Swiãtopôłk (talk) 20:21, 12 july 2022 (UTC)

Work in progress
Are names OK? En rouge (talk) 02:11, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)

flag #1

  • rectangular above,
blue rectangle with a white rectangle inside
  • triangle below,
all red
  • same ratio as your sample
  • but colors?
En rouge (talk) 02:11, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: 1,2,3 Yes
Unfortunately, the colors are unknown. All information about the flag comes from such faded cards. My intuition tells me something similar to #54d5e9, #D01515
As for the proportion of the blue frame, the white area will be 1/3 the height of the rectangle. I concluded it after the Blue Peter looked like this. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 07:34, 13 july 2022 (UTC)
@Swiãtopôłk: Please have a look at two samples for #1 at svg test page.
It seems that your blue (lighter) proposal is unfitting.
For the colors I propose (image with darker blue), I've tried to approximate against Job Brothers & Co., Limited logo.jpgJob Brothers & Co., Limited logo.jpg.
But maybe your red has a better look... En rouge (talk) 14:30, 15 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: The one above, but replace blue with #65C3C9 or similar. Exact colors do not matter because in those days it was not possible to unify it exactly. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:10, 16 july 2022 (UTC)

flag #4

the .svg file Waxholmsbolaget_logo.svg SHALL be edited AND replaced?
a new file House flag of Waxholmsbolaget.svg SHALL be created
En rouge (talk) 02:11, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Yes Swiãtopôłk (talk) 07:34, 13 july 2022 (UTC)
@Swiãtopôłk: Sorry, but the color logo on the Waxholmsbolaget website shows a white outline for the W (as in existing file Waxholmsbolaget logo.svgWaxholmsbolaget logo.svg).
So, let's the Waxholmsbolaget logo.svgWaxholmsbolaget logo.svg logo unchanged.
But, what then for the house flag? En rouge (talk) 22:33, 15 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: If so, don't touch the logo, but let the flag only have three colors. I haven't seen a single photo of a flag or a chimney with a white frame on it. The white version of the logo is also or has been used [24]. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:10, 16 july 2022 (UTC)

@Swiãtopôłk: See rendered #1, #2 and #4 above. En rouge (talk) 17:50, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge: Very nice result, thank you. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 20:54, 16 july 2022 (UTC)

@Swiãtopôłk: FYI: please see [25], En rouge (talk) 20:45, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Swiãtopôłk: See rendered #6 above. En rouge (talk) 22:01, 16 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: See rendered #5 above. En rouge (talk) 00:09, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Also som good. I have nothing to add, thank you. Swiãtopôłk (talk) 08:10, 17 july 2022 (UTC)}}

Flag-maps of Portuguese Guinea and Mozambique[edit]


Please update the flag-maps of Portuguese Guinea and Mozambique with the current version of the Portuguese flag. ColorfulSmoke (talk) 04:20, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)
✓ Done Flagvisioner (talk) 22:02, 13 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

IUCN Statuses missing the letter c[edit]

The SVG English IUCN 3.1 statuses are currently bugged in the svg file format, as the letter c seems to be missing, can you fix it?-- 16:33, 18 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

Stock-brush-red.svg Request taken by -- (talk) 04:02, 23 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

House Flags 5/6[edit]

Article(s): [[]]

Please add vectorized versions of these flags.

1 CFRNA is an early airline operated a bit like a ship company. Just name this file "Flag of CFRNA.svg" For help, I leave a link to FOTW, but "F" shouldn't be so equal and the "curve leg" sticks out from somewhere else "R" than in the link. It is in these details that different images differ, but mostly they look as I wrote. [26] [27] [28]


3 [29] - proportions [30] - pattern "B"

4 I changed the title because "Joseph Somes" was not a company. His business model was to chart his ships to a company he sat on. The new title reflects this better.


6 [31]

Swiãtopôłk (talk) 10:03, 17 july 2022 (UTC)

Work in progress
@Swiãtopôłk: do you agree with these names? En rouge (talk) 22:52, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)

flag #1

@Swiãtopôłk: I've found this: [32] (in [33]) ; same as your reference, here in commons.
But I've found a more curly version: [34], in [35]. En rouge (talk) 23:10, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Swiãtopôłk: in [36], do you need a cleaner text?
BTW, paths shall be cleaned, but do you need strict letters, as printed one, or more like this sample, "hand made"? En rouge (talk) 00:28, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@En rouge:
  • All letter bottoms should be slightly rounded.
  • The dots should be perfectly round
  • Everything white should be of the same thickness
  • The field boundary should clip the dot to fall into the "R" in the lower left corner
  • #e6132a, #003499
  • The "F" arms and proportions are perfect

Swiãtopôłk (talk) 18:03, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]


Article(s): en:Ah-ai Grotto, zh:阿艾石窟

My drawing cannot be colored due to technical reasons, reference is here. --Thyj (talk) 06:58, 18 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Graphist opinion(s)

Chinese dragons on the South Vietnamese coat of arms[edit]

Article(s): [[]] Wherever it's (already) used.

Details of your request go here… The main reason I'm requesting it to be overwritten is because of the file name and the fact that it's used within most Infoboxes about the (Second (2nd)) Republic of Vietnam. There already is a blue version, but it's the wrong colour. I pinged the original creator with this message:
  • "@Sodacan: , the Chinese Dragons are blue, please make it look more the flag that Greenknight Đại Việt showed above. Even the "alternative blue" colour from the edit war isn't the correct shade of blue, it's the same blue as the Chinese dragon on the flag of the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

But they haven't been online in a while and I have no idea how I can edit these colours on my mobile telephone. I think that a file can be overwritten if the depicted information is wrong, otherwise a new file can be uploaded and the old file should be renamed. Please also see the talk page of the current file, multiple people have pointed this error out. The current version should be uploaded as an alternative file. --Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 10:34, 18 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Graphist opinion(s)

@Donald Trung: Have a look at the blue version that I uploaded (based on this source) and let me know what you think. M.Bitton (talk) 00:45, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@M.Bitton: , excuse me but, why did you remove this? I am on vacation and didn't have the time to reply. The colours look quite good but, did you remove the above because this request is done or you just didn't want to do it? It might be better to strike old comments with "<strike></strike>" than to outright remove them. --Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 12:35, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
It's not important. Since you're satisfied with the end result, I'll mark this section as "resolved". M.Bitton (talk) 16:09, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Checkmark This section is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, replace this template with your comment. M.Bitton (talk) 16:09, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]