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Gyrus and sulcus

Gyrus(pl. gyri). see also page about Sulci.


Graphical photos[edit]



Computer graphics[edit]


Human Cortical Development
Human Cortical Development

Colored Gray's diagram[edit]

Lateral view[edit]

Warning The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Frontal pole
(Category:Frontal pole)
Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Middle frontal gyrus
(Category:Middle frontal gyrus)
Inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Inferior frontal gyrus)
Orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Precentral gyrus
(Category:Frontal lobe)
Frontal lobe
(Category:Frontal lobe)
Postcentral gyrus
(Category:Postcentral gyrus)
Superior parietal lobule
(Category:Superior parietal lobule)
Inferior parietal lobule
(Category:Inferior parietal lobule)
Supramarginal gyrus
(Category:Supramarginal gyrus)
Angular gyrus
(Category:Angular gyrus)
Parietal lobe
(Category:Parietal lobe)
Temporal pole
(Category:Temporal pole)
Superior temporal gyrus
(Category:Superior temporal gyrus)
Middle temporal gyrus
(Category:Middle temporal gyrus)
Inferior temporal gyrus
(Category:Inferior temporal gyrus)
Temporal lobe
(Category:Temporal lobe)
Lateral occipital gyrus
(Category:Lateral occipital gyrus)
Occipital pole
(Category:Occipital pole)
Occipital lobe
(Category:Occipital lobe)

Superior view[edit]

Warning The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Frontal pole
(Category:Frontal pole)
Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Middle frontal gyrus
(Category:Middle frontal gyrus)
Inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Inferior frontal gyrus)
Precentral gyrus
(Category:Precentral gyrus)
Postcentral gyrus
(Category:Postcentral gyrus)
Superior parietal lobule
(Category:Superior parietal lobule)
Inferior parietal lobule
(Category:Inferior parietal lobule)
Supramarginal gyrus
(Category:Supramarginal gyrus)
Angular gyrus
(Category:Angular gyrus)
Lateral occipital gyrus
(Category:Lateral occipital gyrus)
Occipital pole
(Category:Occipital pole)

Medial view[edit]

Warning The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Frontal pole
(Category:Frontal pole)
Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Cingulate gyrus
(Category:Cingulate cortex)
Anterior cingulate gyrus
(Category:Anterior cingulate cortex)
Paracentral lobule
(Category:Paracentral lobule)
Lingual gyrus
(Category:Lingual gyrus)
Parahippocampal gyrus
(Category:Parahippocampal gyrus)
Fusiform gyrus (occipito-temporal gyrus)
(Category:Fusiform gyrus)
Inferior temporal gyrus
(Category:Inferior temporal gyrus)
Temporal pole
(Category:Temporal pole)

Inferior view[edit]

Warning The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Straight gyrus
(Category:Straight gyrus)
Orbital gyri
(Category:Orbital gyri)
Frontal pole
(Category:Frontal pole)

Coronal section[edit]




See also[edit]

External links[edit]

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