
outward fold on the brain surface

Gyrus(pl. gyri). see also page about Sulci.

Gyrus and sulcus


Graphical photosEdit



Computer graphicsEdit


Human Cortical Development
Human Cortical Development

Colored Gray's diagramEdit

Lateral viewEdit

  The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Middle frontal gyrus
(Category:Middle frontal gyrus)
Inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Inferior frontal gyrus)
Orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Precentral gyrus
(Category:Frontal lobe)
Postcentral gyrus
(Category:Postcentral gyrus)
Superior parietal lobule
(Category:Superior parietal lobule)
Inferior parietal lobule
(Category:Inferior parietal lobule)
Supramarginal gyrus
(Category:Supramarginal gyrus)
Angular gyrus
(Category:Angular gyrus)
Parietal lobe
(Category:Parietal lobe)
Temporal pole
(Category:Temporal pole)
Superior temporal gyrus
(Category:Superior temporal gyrus)
Middle temporal gyrus
(Category:Middle temporal gyrus)
Inferior temporal gyrus
(Category:Inferior temporal gyrus)
Temporal lobe
(Category:Temporal lobe)
Lateral occipital gyrus
(Category:Lateral occipital gyrus)
Occipital pole
(Category:Occipital pole)
Occipital lobe
(Category:Occipital lobe)

Superior viewEdit

  The template Imagestack requires additional javascript-code. It doesn't work if javascript is switched off.
Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Middle frontal gyrus
(Category:Middle frontal gyrus)
Inferior frontal gyrus
(Category:Inferior frontal gyrus)
Precentral gyrus
(Category:Precentral gyrus)
Postcentral gyrus
(Category:Postcentral gyrus)
Superior parietal lobule
(Category:Superior parietal lobule)
Inferior parietal lobule
(Category:Inferior parietal lobule)
Supramarginal gyrus
(Category:Supramarginal gyrus)
Angular gyrus
(Category:Angular gyrus)
Lateral occipital gyrus
(Category:Lateral occipital gyrus)
Occipital pole
(Category:Occipital pole)

Medial viewEdit

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Superior frontal gyrus
(Category:Superior frontal gyrus)
Cingulate gyrus
(Category:Cingulate cortex)
Anterior cingulate gyrus
(Category:Anterior cingulate cortex)
Paracentral lobule
(Category:Paracentral lobule)
Lingual gyrus
(Category:Lingual gyrus)
Parahippocampal gyrus
(Category:Parahippocampal gyrus)
Fusiform gyrus (occipito-temporal gyrus)
(Category:Fusiform gyrus)
Inferior temporal gyrus
(Category:Inferior temporal gyrus)
Temporal pole
(Category:Temporal pole)

Inferior viewEdit

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Coronal sectionEdit




See alsoEdit

External linksEdit

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