Commons:Undeletion requests

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On this page, users can ask for a deleted page or file (hereafter, "file") to be restored. Users can comment on requests by leaving remarks such as keep deleted or undelete along with their reasoning.

This page is not part of Wikipedia. This page is about the content of Wikimedia Commons, a repository of free media files used by Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Commons does not host encyclopedia articles. To request undeletion of an article or other content which was deleted from the English Wikipedia edition, see the deletion review page on that project.

Finding out why a file was deleted

First, check the deletion log and find out why the file was deleted. Also use the What links here feature to see if there are any discussions linking to the deleted file. If you uploaded the file, see if there are any messages on your user talk page explaining the deletion. Secondly, please read the deletion policy, the project scope policy, and the licensing policy again to find out why the file might not be allowed on Commons.

If the reason given is not clear or you dispute it, you can contact the deleting administrator to ask them to explain or give them new evidence against the reason for deletion. You can also contact any other active administrator (perhaps one that speaks your native language)—most should be happy to help, and if a mistake had been made, rectify the situation.

Appealing a deletion

Deletions which are correct based on the current deletion, project scope and licensing policies will not be undone. Proposals to change the policies may be done on their talk pages.

If you believe the file in question was neither a copyright violation nor outside the current project scope:

  • You may want to discuss with the administrator who deleted the file. You can ask the administrator for a detailed explanation or show evidence to support undeletion.
  • If you do not wish to contact anyone directly, or if an individual administrator has declined undeletion, or if you want an opportunity for more people to participate in the discussion, you can request undeletion on this page.
  • If the file was deleted for missing evidence of licensing permission from the copyright holder, please follow the procedure for submitting permission evidence. If you have already done that, there is no need to request undeletion here. If the submitted permission is in order, the file will be restored when the permission is processed. Please be patient, as this may take several weeks depending on the current workload and available volunteers.
  • If some information is missing in the deleted image description, you may be asked some questions. It is generally expected that such questions are responded in the following 24 hours.

Temporary undeletion

Files may be temporarily undeleted either to assist an undeletion discussion of that file or to allow transfer to a project that permits fair use. Use the template {{Request temporary undeletion}} in the relevant undeletion request, and provide an explanation.

  1. if the temporary undeletion is to assist discussion, explain why it would be useful for the discussion to undelete the file temporarily, or
  2. if the temporary undeletion is to allow transfer to a fair use project, state which project you intend to transfer the file to and link to the project's fair use statement.

To assist discussion

Files may be temporarily undeleted to assist discussion if it is difficult for users to decide on whether an undeletion request should be granted without having access to the file. Where a description of the file or quotation from the file description page is sufficient, an administrator may provide this instead of granting the temporary undeletion request. Requests may be rejected if it is felt that the usefulness to the discussion is outweighed by other factors (such as restoring, even temporarily, files where there are substantial concerns relating to Commons:Photographs of identifiable people). Files temporarily undeleted to assist discussion will be deleted again after thirty days, or when the undeletion request is closed (whichever is sooner).

To allow transfer of fair use content to another project

Unlike English Wikipedia and a few other Wikimedia projects, Commons does not accept non-free content with reference to fair use provisions. If a deleted file meets the fair use requirements of another Wikimedia project, users can request temporary undeletion in order to transfer the file there. These requests can usually be handled speedily (without discussion). Files temporarily undeleted for transfer purposes will be deleted again after two days. When requesting temporary undeletion, please state which project you intend to transfer the file to and link to the project's fair use statement.

Projects that accept fair use

Note: This list might be outdated. For a more complete list, see meta:Non-free content (this page was last updated: March 2014.) Note also: Multiple projects (such as the ml, sa, and si Wikipedias) are listed there as "yes" without policy links.

Adding a request

First, ensure that you have attempted to find out why the file was deleted. Next, please read these instructions for how to write the request before proceeding to add it:

  • Do not request undeletion of a file that has not been deleted.
  • Do not post e-mail or telephone numbers to yourself or others.
  • In the Subject: field, enter an appropriate subject. If you are requesting undeletion of a single file, a heading like [[:File:DeletedFile.jpg]] is advisable. (Remember the initial colon in the link.)
  • Identify the file(s) for which you are requesting undeletion and provide image links (see above). If you don't know the exact name, give as much information as you can. Requests that fail to provide information about what is to be undeleted may be archived without further notice.
  • State the reason(s) for the requested undeletion.
  • Sign your request using four tilde characters (~~~~). If you have an account at Commons, log in first. If you were the one to upload the file in question, this can help administrators to identify it.

Add the request to the bottom of the page. Click here to open the page where you should add your request. Alternatively, you can click the "edit" link next to the current date below. Watch your request's section for updates.


Closed undeletion debates are archived daily.

Current requests



Hi, I uploaded this file to use in a article. its biography article which is reviewing by the manager right now. I notice the photo is deleted so I started to search about the reasons. I think its deleted because of not having license. I uploaded this photo on my flicker account months before and I learned to change the copy right (all rights reserved) to (copyright free). with this change that I made I want this photo back please. and the article will be reviewed by manager so if he decides that its unnesasary they will remove it.

I saw most of the biographies does have the photo and I think reading an article that contains photo is much more attractive for everyone.

I also have few other photos that are nominated for deletion because I didn't know about the license and how to prove, still I have serious question and I hope wiki media don't see me as a person who violent the copy right rules. I try my best to learn as soon as possible and don't messed up.

Thanks you in advance for helping me best regards

Neginghaderii (talk) 09:20, 9 July 2022 (UTC)

@Neginghaderii: Which article do you wish to use the photo in? And note, that for photos already published elsewhere without a free license, the VRT procedure is needed. Ankry (talk) 08:22, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
Hi, Thank you so much for reply and helping me figure it out.
about the photo, I personally took it, I usually go to motorsport races and photography there not as a job, for free for my interest. I also know most of the riders like the one in the picture. in this case photo is taken by me and if the rider used it some where I can tell him to give me the permission or even delete it (if it will solve the problem), but I prefer do not ask to people to delete the photos that were taken by me.
about the VTR, I have no idea what is it.
I just need to figure out how to publish photos and attach the license because if I learn I have many photos even not just in case of sport which I think can help the image source of wiki media to be bigger and up date with good quality photos.
the article that I used this photo as a main photo (portrait) in it:
Thanks in advance Neginghaderii (talk) 15:05, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
@Neginghaderii: I just noticed the deletion reason as it was not scope related: the deleting admin raised doubts whether you are the photographer as you claim. You may need to contact VRT providing a written free license via email together with an evidence of your authorship (eg. providing them the original photo version with complete camera settings info in EXIF). Ankry (talk) 21:15, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Hi, Thanks for reply, Yes I have the information of camera and photo, How can I connect VRT? I checked this page, but still I don't know where should I send this information? I mean wikipedia should give me a chance to prove if I couldn't prove that I am the photographer yes, delete the photo even restrict my account, but I want to give the photos information, who should I send the information?
thanks Neginghaderii (talk) 12:29, 18 July 2022 (UTC)

File:Koorosh Ghorbani childhood.jpg

Hi, I uploaded this file to use in a article. its biography article which is reviewing by the manager right now. I notice the photo is deleted so I started to search about the reasons. I think its deleted because of not having license. I uploaded this photo on my flicker account months before and I learned to change the copy right (all rights reserved) to (copyright free). with this change that I made I want this photo back please. and the article will be reviewed by manager so if he decides that its unnesasary they will remove it. I saw most of the biographies does have the photo and I think reading an article that contains photo is much more attractive for everyone. I also have few other photos that are nominated for deletion because I didn't know about the license and how to prove, still I have serious question and I hope wiki media don't see me as a person who violent the copy right rules. I try my best to learn as soon as possible and don't messed up. Thanks you in advance for helping me best regards

Neginghaderii (talk) 09:27, 9 July 2022 (UTC)

@Neginghaderii: Which article do you wish to use the photo in? Ankry (talk) 08:22, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
Hi, Thanks for replying.پیش%E2%80%8Cنویس:کوروش_قربانی
this is the article which has some problems because I'm almost new user and try to learn and write more, but we are figure it out and make it correct based on wikipedia rules. I wrote for the manager to read it and accept it if the problem is solved.
I hope that I solve copyright problem, too. if wikipedia needs a license please tell me how can I attach that and where I should look for, in the camera options or in the flicker which I uploaded it or I don't know anywhere.
Thank you in advance Neginghaderii (talk) 14:55, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
@Neginghaderii: So you only need to provide an evidence to VRT that you are the original photographer of this non-digital photo as it was requested in the DR. Ankry (talk) 11:15, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
Yes, But how?
If I learn I can upload couple of photos which they are kinda rare, from motorsport riders, bikes. most of the files that are being used now its so very old. I mean the bikes is not like that anymore or even clothing its improved, they really needs to be up to date. thanks in advance Neginghaderii (talk) 16:50, 14 July 2022 (UTC)

The undeletion discussion in the following section is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.

File:Freddie mercury 1985.jpg

per previous DR, based on community consensus about the URAA files (which stated "URAA cannot be used as the sole reason for deletion"). Moreover, the Freddy Mercury photo is in the PD in Argentina since 1-1-2011.Fma12 (talk) 22:24, 9 July 2022 (UTC)

Pictogram voting comment.svg Comment Moreover, another PD-AR-photo from the same year was kept in this DR. What is the criteria? Fma12 (talk) 22:27, 9 July 2022 (UTC)
In my opinion the admin decision concerning that file was out-of-process. Ankry (talk) 11:10, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
Pictogram voting comment.svg Comment the file was uploaded in Feb 2022 and the abovementioned consensus concerns files uploaded before 2014. For newer uploads we need an evidence of US copyright status. @Fma12: What is this photo copyright status in US? The policy requirement that the hosted images needs to be free in both: US and the country of origin has not been ever changed. Ankry (talk) 08:33, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
Pictogram voting comment.svg Comment Sorry but... in what part of that debate was stated that only files uploaded before 2014 were affected? This undeletion is based not only on the mentioned debate but on the open letter by WMF Argentina. Fma12 (talk) 21:08, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
Wikimedia Argentina is not WMF, the Wikimedia Commons operator. Wikimedia Argentina can host the image on their own website if they wish. Wikimedia Commons volunteers are bound with policies established by WMF. In order to host this image, we need a free license from the photographer using VRT. Or at least their clear declaration that they will not execute their copyright using the US legal system. I assume, the published knew whom they received the image from, so they are able to identify the photographer if they wish. Theoretically, the image may be hosted under US Fair Use in wikis that accept Fair Use, but the Commons community rejected Fair Use.
Accepting images that are free in the country of origin only while being Fair Use in US would be a significant change in Wikimedia Commons policy. Such a change would require community decision and cannot be limitted to Argentinian photos only. And this page is not the right venue to discuss policy changes. Ankry (talk) 23:09, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
The URAA decision you link to was shortly thereafter superseded; see the COM:URAA link from that discussion. The policy (also mentioned in Commons:Licensing then became: A mere allegation that the URAA applies to a file cannot be the sole reason for deletion. If the end result of copyright evaluation is that there is significant doubt about the freedom of a file under U.S. or local law, the file must be deleted in line with the precautionary principle. So yes, the URAA can be used as the sole reason for deletion, as long as you can show by a country's historical laws that the work was indeed under copyright protection on January 1, 1996. Since it is plainly stated that the photo was under copyright in Argentina until 2011, it was protected in 1996. Carl Lindberg (talk) 12:17, 20 July 2022 (UTC)
Not done, per Carl Lindberg. Thuresson (talk) 11:06, 23 July 2022 (UTC)

File:Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovitch.jpg

I believe the terms of PD-Russia were met, Commons:Publication is when a photo leaves the custody of the photographer, not only appearing in a magazine or book. I could see if the photo was shown to have been found in a cache of images that remained with a photographer as negatives or proof sheets, like the Bain Collection, or a similar archive. --RAN (talk) 16:57, 17 July 2022 (UTC)

Deleted per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovitch.jpg. Ellywa (talk) 17:01, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
@Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ): Where did you find in Commons policies that when a photo leaves the custody of the photographer is an equivalent of publication? In many countries presenting a photo to the general public, eg. in a gallery, museum, displaying it on the wall in a publicly available space, or even being available in a public library is considered publication (being available to the general public). However, in any case we need a reliable date of such act. Being stored in an archive is not considered publication as archive content is generally not available to the general public. Ankry (talk) 20:57, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
You are thinking of the display of an original artwork, where no copy has been made, like a painting. With photographs I already provided the link to Commons:Publication with the legal definition. The Berne Convention quotation is: 'The definition of "publication" [is] "distribution of copies to the general public with the consent of the author"'. I agree 100%, if this image came from an archive and was downloaded from the Internet it may have never been made public. However no one was able to find it online out of the 500 billion images online. It appears to be scanned from a personal collection, so an original camera negative (the creative product) was copied to a print and made public (no longer in the possession of the creator, like all photos where you pay a photographer to take a photo) , presumably at the time of creation. If we had evidence that it was from a cache of negatives that were never made public, I would agree to deletion. --RAN (talk) 22:29, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Yes, distribution of copies to general public. When, where, and in which way copies of this photo were distributed to general public? Then add 50/70 years (depending on the country of distribution) and if you receive a date that is before 1.1.1996, we can host the photo. The date is crucial. If you cannot find the exact date, provide the earliest documented. Ankry (talk) 09:18, 18 July 2022 (UTC)
Why are you emphasizing "general public" like it is a magic word, the general public is someone other than the photographer and their immediate family. --RAN (talk) 02:00, 19 July 2022 (UTC)
Hi Ran, you wrote "If we had evidence that it was from a cache of negatives that were never made public, I would agree to deletion". This is not how Commons works. For old images, we start assuming a work is copyrighted, and we need evidence it is not copyrighted, per COM:EVID. If clear evidence of a PD-situation is lacking, the image must be deleted. (In this case I saw no evidence that this image is in PD). Ellywa (talk) 12:32, 18 July 2022 (UTC)
Moved to talk. Yann (talk) 16:36, 21 July 2022 (UTC)

File:Flag of Caodaism.svg

The flag shouldn't have been deleted because it is not a work of Vietnamese government. But it is the traditional flag of Caodaism used by Caodaists over the world.

Baokhang48812002 (talk) 07:51, 18 July 2022 (UTC)

@Baokhang48812002: In order to host the image here you need to provide evidence that it is not copyright (eg. due to copyright expiration) of freely licensed by the copyright holder (if still a copyrighted design). Being used does not determine the copyright status. Ankry (talk) 09:09, 18 July 2022 (UTC)
The flag was designed in 1926 by the Caodaist church so it is currently in public domain in Vietnam according to copyright laws Baokhang48812002 (talk) 10:30, 18 July 2022 (UTC)
The file was deleted per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Baokhang48812002. The source the uploader listed is . The age of the flag is appears not mentioned on that website as far as I can understand the text. @Baokhang48812002: could you provide evidence of the age of the flag design? For instance a photograph from 1926 or somewhat later? But even then, the flag might still be copyrighted per Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vietnam. Ellywa (talk) 14:42, 19 July 2022 (UTC)

The undeletion discussion in the following section is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.

File:Gemelli DiVersi 2022 2.jpg

Hello, I'm the press officer of the band called Gemelli DiVersi. Have uploaded two files:

Gemelli DiVersi 2022_1.jpg which is in the template as new band photo (they were 4 and now are 2) Gemelli DiVersi 2022_2.jpg as new photo in the body of the description which has been deleted

Could you accept both photos, please?

Danilo Durante

 Not done: We need a permission coming directly from the copyright holder which is usually the original photographer. --De728631 (talk) 20:05, 22 July 2022 (UTC)

LIFE-beams + planets.jpg

I have been trying to upload this image and other content on Wikipedia on behalf of LIFE Eth Zurich. I am a volunteer at the project office. Everything I am doing this work with their permission, but the contents are being deleted here on Wikipedia for no reason. I am requesting the undeletion of the image - "LIFE-beams + planets.jpg" and other content that I upload there.

Thank you Vishal Mahendra Volunteer at LIFE Project


Iran copyright law does not protect these images from handwriting (per [1]):

HeminKurdistan (talk) 10:25, 21 July 2022 (UTC)

my work is all professional and legal so don't misjudge what you don't know, I am ready to get out there and show you all what the real talent is all about. Don't take the special one for granted.
Mars_Boy the king of the new Ⓜ️ª®️💲_🅱️⭕️Ⓜ️♈︎ (talk) 12:59, 21 July 2022 (UTC)


I request undeletion because my work is all original and legal, no copyright or whatsoever

@Maars Boy: This seems to be about File:Mars Boy picture.jpg. It was deleted as "Personal photo by non-contributors", nobody said anything about copyright. Please instead tell why the image is in project scope, i.e. why it is useful for Wikimedia Commons. –LPfi (talk) 19:26, 21 July 2022 (UTC)